I notice I like to use !! alot. Maybe because I'm loud, or just wanting to stress a point.
But I find that writing/typing has a release in it that I need. So I hope this blog finds a place in your heart and stirs you in some way.
There is so much about Fire that we have going on. The Flame, the Lighter (our Discipleship class), the Torch (our youth group), and our Thread which goes by so many different fire terms.
But what is it about? It's about FIRE! Fire Burns, Fire is hot. Fire purifies. Fire gets rid of the materials that aren't important and leaves that which is True. The Gold and Silver of Life. (A refiner's Fire the bible calls it).
Jeremiah 20:9 says " But if I say, `I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot"
So, this fire is in my Body. It's in my Being. It's in my heart. WOE to me if I do not let it out.
Being that I don't have a place to let it out, except for those that lend me an Ear, or the hour of teaching I get to do on a weekly basis at youth, which only eases the Burn.
My desire is for this fire to be apart of you. Maybe you are Cold and Lonely. Soaking Wet in the Cold Fridged air of this World. Left shivering with no one to hold you. But come to the fire and be warmed. Come to the fire and see the Refiner burn out the junk Leaving pure Gold and Silver.
Michael thats awesome! Fire is something that spreads and thats what we as high school students need to do we need to spread the word of God like a fire we have created in our bodies ( like michael stated above) we are a torch and we need to light others so they can become a torch as well so the fire grows bigger and so does the love for God! YES michael i love it!